Your home is your biggest asset. It continuously grows with your hard earned time and money. It should be usable like any other savings account. Now you can unlock your equity in 7 days with no monthly payments.
What's your home value?
You may qualify for up to
Receive $212,500 in exchange for a share of your home's future value.
The above estimate is for informational purpose only. Learn more about pricing.
Current Availabilty
Primary and Investment Homes
Investment Homes Only
Cash Amount
Monthly Payment
Interest Rate
No Income Requirement
No Age Requirement
No Mortgage Requirement
Credit Card
Personal Loan
Reverse Mortgage
*This chart is meant to provide general or average costs per financial product. Interest rates are subject to change and are dependent on credit worthiness and market conditions. Average interest rates are sourced from published rates on Bankrate. Information updated on 1/1/2024.
Hear it from our users...
HEIs are also called Equity Sharing Agreements. Instead of borrowing against the value of your home, you can opt to sell a portion of the equity.
Home valuations are determined by using 3rd party automated tools. Clients may opt to pay for appraisals using a 3rd party appraisal management company in certain instances.
Currently there are 3 ways to pay Nada’s lien off: